It has been a long time since I've blogged. My only excuse is that last year was a difficult one for personal reasons. But here I am now! And I have great news to share. Natasha Campbell McBride, the author of "Gut & Psychology Syndrome", the book which got me started on this diet and blogging adventure, is coming to give a seminar on the GAPS diet in March. She will be speaking in Ballykisteen Hotel on Sunday 3rd March. To say I am excited is a gross understatement!! I am really hoping to actually meet her and thank her profusely for her wonderful book and for giving me so much hope for my little Einstein. I am also nervous about it as I am going to give a little speech myself! The organiser has asked some of us mothers to talk about our experience of the diet. How could I pass up that opportunity?
I have seen Dr Campbell-McBride's speeches on YouTube and she is warm and encouraging so I hope it will be a good day, full of positive, motivating stories. The main reason I started this blog was to try to encourage other parents to give the diet a try. This seminar aims to do the same thing, to spread the good news and hope others will join in the experiment!
If anyone is interested in attending, the tickets are 55 euro which includes a GAPS/SCD lunch which should be interesting for anyone who is unfamiliar with the diet rules! It takes place on March 3rd from 10am to 4pm. For tickets e-mail or you can e-mail me as I have a few tickets too.
Go for it Dee, you have so much to offer.